1:1 integration coaching

I'm here to walk beside you, to listen deeply, and to help you uncover the wisdom you already hold


  • Personalized

    Our initial sessions will be dedicated to getting to know one another, assessing where you are at and creating a personalized plan to fit your unique needs and goals.

  • Relational

    Everyone encounters obstacles and challenges when it comes to change and transformation. I’ll will be there to work closely with you to help identify and work through your triggers and blocks.

  • Integrative

    We will be working together on this journey towards unveiling and celebrating your most authentic self. We will be using rituals, healing practices and creative tools that invite us to investigate and get curious about our true nature. Through this process we will integrate mind, body and spirit to cultivate a sense of wellness, wholeness and connection.

How you’ll feel

more confident and inspired with an increased sense of purpose, joy & empowerment.