“Creating artwork allows your mind to be in a safe place while it contemplates the tougher issues you are dealing with. One can use the tools of brush, paint, pastels, crayons etc to expose and even for a short time color those issues in a different light.”
― George E. Miller


For some of us, the creative ritual is going to be one of the most daunting aspects of this process we are embarking on together. I just want you to remember that we are all artists and storytellers at heart. I want to assure you that you will be growing and developing the way you express your imagination and that, the way you feel comfortable in the way you express with expand and change as you start to relax into your creativity. I also want you to remember that everything you create is just for you to get a glimpse into your inner landscape as a way to heal and discover parts of yourself that are asking to be birthed into the world. You might find yourself wanting to express on paper, canvas or digitally - painting, drawing or collaging. You might make little movies on your phone or writing poetry, prose and short stories. Some of you might find yourselves sculpting out of clay, metal or macaroni. Maybe you will compose a piece of music. There are endless ways of expression. Spend some time exploring the resources below and have fun!


The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron

The Creative Journal: The Art of Finding Yourself by Lucia Cappachione

Your Brain on Art: How the Arts Transform Us by Susan Magsamen and Ivy Ross

The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers